Friday, May 29, 2009

Killdeer Antics

The other day my dog and I were taking a walk and all of a sudden there in front of us was this bird acting like it had a broken wing and it was just putting on a great big fuss. Naturally it did not have a broken wing, but rather a nest that it was trying its very best to protect.

No Jesus did not just put on the act of being hurt to save you and me. He went all the way on the cross so that we could have victory in Him. Just like the eggs could not do any thing that would protect themselves from the dangers of enemies. So it is with us, we can not do anything to protect ourselves from the enemy Satan. But because Jesus went all the way in protecting us, He has given to us the victory that we need to be overcomers.

So if you see a Killdeer acting as though it has a broken wing and you go to see if you can help it and then it flies away a little further and does the same antics all over again, consider what Jesus has done to save you from your enemy Satan and his evil angels. But not only did Jesus die for you, He also promised to surround you with his angels so that you can have the freedom to choose to be in Jesus.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Garden Weeds

This morning I worked in the garden pulling weeds. Yes, it is sort of a tedious job. The garden began to look like a garden again with neatly defined rows of vegetables. But do you know that a lot of those weeds that I pulled up from the garden really were good plants. For instance there were flowering weeds that out in the field would really look pretty. And some of them were grasses, that in the yard or the pasture would look really appealing.

But those weeds are weeds basically because they are growing in the wrong place. At least the wrong place of where I want my garden. The one little spot where I have worked up some earth to plant some vegetables just does not seem right to have the flowers and grasses that could grow anywhere else here in Texas and look good to grow in my garden.

Is that the way it is in my life also. What might be alright for someone else may not be what God has in mind for my life. Am I daily seeking Him first to know what He desires to have my heart look like? If He wants my heart to look like His heart am I willing to let Him do the weeding in my life to change the looks of who I look like? Until next time together allow the Master Gardener to work His miracle in your life.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Spring Color Story

Here in Texas Spring is really a beautiful time of the year. The blues of the bluebonnets, the reds of the Indian paint brushes, the yellow and red of the Indian blankets, the pinks of the poppies, and the colors and flowers go on and on until you come to the purple of the passion flower.

Passion flower is also known as maypop. It is a woody vine with flowers which reminded early pilgrims of the passion or suffering of Christ. The plant produces small berry-like fruit called granadilla or water lemon John Muir when he tasted the fruit thought that there was none better.. The aerial parts of the plant are gathered during fruiting season and then dried for future processing.

All of the colors of spring teach an important lesson I believe. God gave His Son Jesus to bring the gospel of loving grace to every person. The colors of the flowers speak to us of His love. Have you ever thought of the flowers as being messengers of God's love to you? Why not spend some time today observing the beauty of God's love for you as you see the spring flowers all around you.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Birds out my window

Right now there are three different birds out my window: 1 Mourning dove, 2 Grackle, and 3 House sparrows. The mourning doves are content eating seed that has fallen from the feeder, but are not willing to give up there space or to be pushed about by the more agressive grackles. And then the house sparrows just have fun flitting from branches to feeder or eating on the ground. All three birds represent important spiritual lessons for us. First the mourning dove represents the importance of making use of every spiritual food that God provides. Secondly, the grackle represents the importance of being zealous in the search for spiritual food. And third, we find the faith of a house sparrow that God will take care of it and the joy that it has in that knowledge. Perhaps that is why Jesus directed us to look to the sparrow as a way to let us know that God will take care of us. Especially when we make use of every spiritual opportunity that comes our way and that we are in earnest in our search for food.