Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sea Otters and Greed


The Sea Otter does not have any blubber to keep it warm in the frigid waters off the shores of Alaska. God has given it a coat of fur that has up to 1 million hairs per square inch. It spends much of its time making sure that all of its hairs are well groomed. The quality of its fur became a reason for the greed of fur traders. The Russians who owned Alaska began to kill these beautiful animals so that they would gain financial benefits. One fur was worth about a days wages so that it was a very lucrative business. In just a few years the population of the sea otters went from 200,000 to just a few thousand.

The Russians thought Alaska was not worth that much at that point so they sold out to Alaska for about $0.02 an acre. The Americans were just as greedy and went on to hunt the sea otters and brought their population down to 1700. It is a joy that we came to our senses and have protected the sea otter so that its population is back up to about 170,000.

The greed of mankind can be seen in the house of king Ahab. His neighbor Naboth had a vineyard next to his palace and he wanted the vineyard and offered to purchase it, but Naboth was not interested and so king Ahab went home moping. His wife Jezabel found out the reason for his bad mood and went to work to have Naboth killed and then told Ahab to take the property.

Greed continues to be a problem in our world today. Look at what is happening around the globe as we see financial crisis hit around the world taking the wealth of the middle class and making the wealthy banking industry in a situation that they are able to take what belongs to indivduals as their own. This would be very frustrating if I had not read the final chapter. Jesus is coming again and all that is in this world will be destroyed. And what God has to offer is much more that what the World Banking industry will ever have.
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